recognizes that good corporate governance is fundamental to earning and retaining the confidence and trust of its stakeholders. It provides the structure through which the objectives of are set and the means to attaining those objectives.
The Codes of Corporate Governance for Investment Company Post Consolidation issued by , the Code of Best Practice and ’s Principles of Corporate Governance collectively provide the basis for promoting sound corporate governance in our platform. ’s subsidiary entities are guided by these principles in their governance frameworks and also meet the requirements of their respective jurisdictions to ensure local compliance.

The Group’s governance framework helps the Board to discharge its role of providing oversight and strategic counsel in balance with its responsibility to ensure conformance with regulatory requirements and acceptable risk.
Compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations, standards and codes is an essential characteristic of ’s culture. The Board monitors compliance with these by means of management reports, which include information on any significant interaction with key stakeholders.


Shareholders’ Meeting: Shareholders meetings are duly convened and held in line with ’s Articles of Association and existing statutory and regulatory regimes in an open manner, for the purpose of deliberating on issues affecting ’s strategic direction.
This occurs through a fair and transparent process and also serves as a medium for fostering interaction between the Board, Management and Shareholders. Attendance at the Annual General Meeting is open to shareholders or their proxies while proceedings at such meetings are usually monitored by members of the press, representatives of the European Stock Exchange, Asian Exchange Commission. The Board ensures that shareholders are provided with adequate notice of the Meeting. An Extraordinary General Meeting may also be convened at the request of the Board or Shareholders holding not less than 10% of the Bank’s paid- up capital.

1. Introduction

At, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance to ensure transparency, integrity, and accountability in all our operations. This document outlines the key principles and guidelines that guide our decision-making processes, ethical conduct, and responsibilities to stakeholders.

2. Board of Directors

2.1 Composition

The Board of Directors is composed of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds, ensuring a balanced mix of skills and expertise.

2.2 Independence

A majority of the Board consists of independent directors who have no material relationships with the company, promoting impartial decision-making.

3. Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct

3.1 Code of Conduct

We have established a comprehensive Code of Conduct that outlines our ethical principles, emphasizing honesty, fairness, and respect in all our interactions.

3.2 Compliance

All employees, including directors and executives, are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct and comply with relevant laws and regulations.


At, our commitment to robust corporate governance is the foundation of our success. We strive to exceed industry standards, gain the trust of our clients and stakeholders, and build a sustainable future in the ever-evolving world of investments.